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Finance is live in Banner

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2017-2018 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines & Instructions

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, it is necessary to establish the following deadlines related to budgetary

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2016-2017 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines & Instructions

As we approach the end of the fiscal year it is necessary to establish the following deadlines related to budgetary

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Fiscal Year 2017 - Year End Instructions

Please be reminded that the University’s fiscal year 2017 has ended.  In preparation for the final close, all revenu

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The functions and data related to financial services in Banner have been launched. At this time, requisitions and travel requests will continue to be done as usual. In upcoming months, the University will transition to online requisitions and training will be offered. Those who deposit at Martin Hall should continue to prepare deposits as usual. An email will be sent when a change will occur with instructions. Until March is closed, continue to utilize old ULink to check current balances. When March is closed, an announcement will be sent notifying campus when and how to access balances within the new Banner system.