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End of fiscal year announcement

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2017-2018 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines & Instructions

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, it is necessary to establish the following deadlines related to budgetary

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2016-2017 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines & Instructions

As we approach the end of the fiscal year it is necessary to establish the following deadlines related to budgetary

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Fiscal Year 2017 - Year End Instructions

Please be reminded that the University’s fiscal year 2017 has ended.  In preparation for the final close, all revenu

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As we approach the end of the fiscal year and to adjust for spending freezes imposed by the Division of Administration, it is necessary to establish the following deadlines related to budgetary control:

I. Requisitions for goods, services, travel, and printing for Operating Fund departments for the 2015-2016 fiscal year must be received by this office no later than April 14, 2016, except for the Dean's Enhancement departments which must be received by this office no later than May 31, 2016.

II. Requisitions for goods, services, travel, and printing for Restricted and G Accounts will continue to follow normal procedures subject to the availably of funds in the requesting department.

III. Purchases made via departmental La Carte cards charged to the Department Operating Fund for the 2015-2016 fiscal year (including the Dean's Enhancement departments) can be made through April 14, 2016.

IV. Purchases made via department LaCarte cards for all other funds will be turned off Mary 31, 2016, to facilitate the fiscal year-end closing process. Any purchase form June 1, 2016, to June 30, 2016, will have to be facilitated through a purchase requisitions.

We will be sending out further instructions regarding the year-end close in June.