Funds Handling Policy
The University and all departments of the University are required to follow the Funds Handling Policy, as well as Article VII, Section 9(A) of the Louisiana Constitution concerning the handling and processing of funds received by the University and departments of the University. According to Article VII, Section 9(A) of the Louisiana Constitution, all money received by the State, or state agency, must be deposited immediately. The Funds Handling Policy defines and details the funds handling process.
All departments that are an approved collection point of the University must ensure that your department is following this policy and respective guidelines at ALL times. (Your department must be an approved collection point of the University prior to accepting any form of payment for your department or on behalf of the University). All funds received by the University and departments of the University must be deposited in accordance with this policy and the guildelines.
As part of our internal controls, all funds deposited with Departmental Cashiers, are closely monitored for timeliness. Any department with untimely deposits are immediately reported to Angie Smith, Funds Handling Compliance Accountant. The Funds Handling Compliance Accountant will notify the department and request the department's check receipt log and take corrective action, if necessary.
Failure to comply with this policy and these guidelines will result in a suspension of the department's funds handling and collection activities.
All questions or comments concerning the policy, the guidelines, or the funds handling process can be directed to Angie Smith, CPA.
The policy was adopted on May 27, 2022 and is now accessible on the University's Policies website.